
Warm the Glow

Something a little cozy rather than romantic for today. Warm the glow of fire. Warm the glow of sun. Warm the glow of cool desire. Warm the glow of home. Come home to hearth Come home to joy Come home my girl Come home my boy. The door is open The table laid The joy… Read More Warm the Glow

Poetry, Writing

Between Burdens

A little melancholy, but I hope something that brings peace as well. A silver fall of ash drifts on a golden breeze While the frosty winter wind carries autumn leaves. A quiet soul disturbed by the changing of the tides Looks out to where the light quietly subsides. No fairies yet emerge in the dying… Read More Between Burdens


Dream Messenger

Something hopeful and whimsical for your day. Dreams fly soft on owl’s wings Bringing bright and shining things. Treasures bright, adventures bold From storms at sea to fairy gold. Feathers rustle in the wind As each delivered dream begins. Then they wing on their way Another’s job it is to stay. From house to house… Read More Dream Messenger


Small Conspiracies

A little something fun to brighten your day. A shining start to the day The sun a bright friend for play The children bubble from their doors And search for fairies on the moons. Good Fairies all giggle and hide In grassy fields and river side Wicked fairies join in, too And watch the children… Read More Small Conspiracies

Poetry, Writing

Chinchilla of Hope

Because I needed something worth writing in sparkly gold ink that I got for Christmas. And the Chinchilla of Hope is a common thing in an online community that I participate in. (Yes, some poems come from silly places.) I hope you like it, and that it sparkles enough without the ink. Bright dance the… Read More Chinchilla of Hope