
A Prayer for the Lost

Reflections on mercy in a time of strife. A prayer for souls whatever happens on this side of eternity. (This was supposed to go out on the 9th and for some reason didn’t.)

Faltering souls lost in despair
Who no longer have the strength to strive
The guilty and dark, chained by their deeds
Who cling to shattered lives.

The wicked and bold who come to the end
And find they hold nothing but ash.
The shallow mind who waffle and bend
And sell their souls for cash.

The battered and bruised with no hope of light
Who drag their brothers down.
And the empty of heart who haunt the night
And inch by inch they drown.

Let a small spark of hope, gentle and true,
Slip quietly through the dark
And find the souls that still can be saved
And make them hush and hark.

A voice of truth can bring new life
Though breaking chains brings pain.
The blackest soul who turns to the light
Can be made whole again.

A Prayer for the Lost copyright © Heather Strickler 2024 all rights reserved