Poetry, Writing

Flight of Fancy

A little whimsy to brighten your day.

Touch a star, tuck it away
Save it for a rainy day.
Pull it out when days are sad
It’s shining glow will make you glad.

Find a fairy’s secret hoard
Look all about when you are bored.
A touch of thought and you will find
A bit of wonder ready to mind.

Forgotten in a dusty room
There lurks many a secret tome
There many an adventure lay
Only a single thought away.

A thought that takes life of it’s own
And leads us all far from home
Into worlds we’ve never known
To gates and perils never shown.

Yet when we’re done we come once more
To our home’s familiar shore
And find ourselves safe instead
Right at home in our beds.

Flight of Fancy copyright © Heather Strickler all rights reserved.

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