Poetry, Writing

Dragon in the Garden

A bit of fun and how brothers can get a touch protective.

There is a dragon in the garden
I have often heard him roar
He rumbles at the creek bed
When rain begins to pour.

He lurks up in the willow.
He sneaks through rose and briar
He comes to the kitchens
And lurks by the cooking fire.

Mother thinks it’s just the wind
Or the water in the creek
But I know much better
It’s my sister that he seeks!

Dragons take young maidens
They hoard them up like gold
So I take my wooden sword
Everywhere I go.

When I find that dragon
I’ll challenge him right quick
No one takes my sister
By force or dirty trick.

There’s a dragon in the garden
And I’m hunting him today
If that dragon’s at all smart
He’ll quickly go away!

Dragon in the Garden copyright © 2025 Heather Strickler all rights reserved.