Poetry, Writing

Dreams of Fire and Ice

A meeting of worlds. There’s more to the story than found here, if it tells me, I’ll pass it along.

In my dreams I carry fire with me.
When the dreams get dark it helps me to see.
It keeps away the dark and the fierce
And lets me every terror to pierce.

Yet things there, at the end of my dreams
That do not fear my fire it seems.
These creatures of ice often come near
And they speak in voices ringing and clear.

I cannot understand what they say,
But they hear me as well and don’t run away.
We sit together and often we stare
It seems enough that we both are there.

Last time my friends seemed troubled and worn
As if they’d been driving in the path of a storm.
Tonight I return with my fire so strong
And prayers of protection from all that is wrong.

Whatever is hunting my ice friends tonight
Will certainly find how my fire can bite!

Dreams of Fire and Ice copyright © Heather Strickler 2025 all rights reserved.