Poetry, Writing


Something for your Christmas, especially for those who feel caught in the darkness. In shattered hope and broken dreams The truth comes silent and in-between In-between betrayals In-between all loss In-between the pages Where comes yet the cross. Let broken spirits gather near In ghostly presence in-between In-between the hoping In-between the pain. In-between the… Read More Between

Poetry, Writing

Path in the Darkness

Something uplifting to start your week. A step taken in darkness Towards a steady, burning flame. Feet quest ever forward Testing the ground again. Each step somehow finds purchase And carries the traveler on Though some steps hang in the balance And the road narrows, but never gone. The light, though small, never waves And… Read More Path in the Darkness

Poetry, Writing

Glimpses of Gryphons

Being a veteran, and this being veteran’s day I should do something veteran related. So what comes to mind? Gryphons in Scottland from the perspective of a child of indeterminant age. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The Gryphons play in Aberdeen Where such creatures are rarely seen Amid castles, steeples,… Read More Glimpses of Gryphons

Poetry, Writing

The Day’s Labor

The future comes, it will be what we build. The waiting now is over, There is work yet to be done. The building and the making Are never easy won. O, Lift your eyes to heaven Set your feet upon the path Turn your hands to the labor What e’re the aftermath. The storms still… Read More The Day’s Labor