
Passing of Doom

A bit of hope to start your week

Set asides the doom
For the sake of your soul
Yes dangers still will loom
And trials take their toll.

Yet still there is laughter
And children still play.
The sun still rises in grandeur
And night flows into day.

Though worries may yet trouble
Our minds as we sleep.
And fear seems to double
And friends may flee like sheep.

The world is not ending
Joy shines on still.
Hope still is wending
With a determined will.

Give no credence to fears
They will lead you astray.
Through laughter and tears
We must meet the new day.

A new day is coming
As the old day must pass
And the future is drumming
Bright and shinning at last.

Passing of Doom copyright © 2024 Heather Strickler all rights reserved