Poetry, Writing

Book Hoard

Because books are doors to magic.

There is a place that I can go
Where I can make the summer snow.
I can make the winter bright
And make the sunshine in the night.

There is a place that I can hide
While the bigger boys play out side.
There I can be as strong as they
And go to lands quite far away.

I slew a dragon there today.
Tomorrow, I’ll stand on the quay
And watch the ships as they sail
And maybe I’ll go hunt a whale.

Perhaps, instead, I’ll travel far
Following a distant star
Until I sail to lands unknown
That only wizards are ever shown.

Never mind the dangers lurking deep
To haunt the world while I sleep.
I return with the day
And with my friends chase them away.

There is a place I often go
Where all the world is mine to know.
The books there open worlds to me
Be they star or land or sea.

Book Hoard copyright © Heather Strickler 2024

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