Something hopeful and whimsical for your day.
Dreams fly soft on owl’s wings
Bringing bright and shining things.
Treasures bright, adventures bold
From storms at sea to fairy gold.
Feathers rustle in the wind
As each delivered dream begins.
Then they wing on their way
Another’s job it is to stay.
From house to house and home to home.
The dreams are brought from where they roam
In gladsome fields and forests deep
Where adventures grow, fast asleep.
So when you awake at break of day
And feel you’ve been quite far away.
If the sun is not quite up,
Hurry then and take your cup.
Hold it high above the window sill
And toast the owl who may be there still.
Then turn and go about your day
The owl returns but will not stay.
Dream Messenger copyright © 2025 Heather Strickler all rights reserved.