
Passing of Doom

A bit of hope to start your week Set asides the doom For the sake of your soul Yes dangers still will loom And trials take their toll. Yet still there is laughter And children still play. The sun still rises in grandeur And night flows into day. Though worries may yet trouble Our minds… Read More Passing of Doom


Pirate Sheep

Now for something different: a silly little thing sparked by a friend miss hearing “Pirate Ships On the Horizon”. Pirate Sheep on the Horizon They sail from shore to shore Plowing through the deep green waves Then returning home once more. Their black sails stand up smartly From their woolly backs And the fleet raids… Read More Pirate Sheep


Fog of War

Poking at a few things, mostly dark days do not last. The fog of war will lift whatever that war may be. Clumbsy work full of holes Yet praised unto the sky. Dedication scorned and mocked And Driven ‘til it dies. Proud the voice on stolen throne That claims it cannot fall. Loud the choice… Read More Fog of War


Getting things moving

Just a quick note, and hopefully the start of a habit. The writing is coming. Whirlwind of Stars is finished and I’m wrestling with Indesign for things like covers. (I’m paying for it. Might as well use it.) Bearskin is, as the side bar shows, about 30k in. It’ll probably be 70ish k words or… Read More Getting things moving


Look Up

Look to the skyLook to the starsThey can’t take us overThey can’t take what’s ours. The work of our hands,We can always redo.The things in our mindsWe pass down to you. The will to the strivingThey never will break.The hope in our laborsThey never can take. The fire that burnsIn every free soulIs something they… Read More Look Up